K1 Visa Timeline for a Japanese & U.S. couple in 1999

As I know what a pain it is to deal with the United States Immigration & Naturalization Service, I am posting my timeline for marrying a Japanese citizen via the K1 (Fiance) visa process. The whole process is a pain in the rear. Actually my experience went about as smoothly as it could so I really feel for those who have glitches or more complicated situations. I recommend following this process as opposed to doing something like having your loved one come over as a tourist and then getting married. It seems to taken significantly longer to get the adjustment of status processed for such couples and the foreigner can't legally work or leave & return to the U.S. in that period.


The pink text represents actions taken by my fiancé in Japan.  All other text represents actions taken in the U.S.  The exact day for some dates are uncertain; in those cases, the color has been set to a lighter shade. 

I hope this information is useful for some of you out there. If you feel I can be of further assistance, please contact me via my guestbook link below. Also if you haven't already done so, be sure to check the k1 faq for more information about the k1 visa process.

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Created: Apr 14, 2002
Last Updated: Mar 7, 2003