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2006/06/21 20:56 EDT
The Era of Entitlement
A friend of mine sent me this article:

Charity in Entitlement Era: Speaking Truth to Paupers

Basicallly it talks about how many of today's poor lack responsibility and a work ethic, instead feeling no responsibility for their situation and, instead, entitled for help that goes beyond basic needs. Some choice bits:

Our mission was to rebuild a home destroyed by the storm surge...The soon-to-be owner of the new home we build is sweet and charming, but when I compare this individual's actions to what I or my wife would do in the same situation, I can't help but be downright put out...If my home were destroyed, and volunteers poured in by bus, van and car to help me rebuild, God strike me if I am not the first person on the jobsite and the last one to leave.

The expectations among America's new paupers have metastasized. Now, not only ought needs be met, but desires accommodated as well. In our brief foray into disaster relief, tales have surfaced where uninsured people left with nothing more than asandtions among America's new paupers have metastasized. Now, not only ought needs be met, but desires accommodated as well. In our brief foray into disaster relief, tales have surfaced where uninsured people left with nothing more than a sandy concrete slab have lobbied their benefactors vigorously for better quality kitchen cabinets or hinted strongly for a different style of flooring than that which had been donated. My own experience parallels these anecdotes. ab have lobbied their benefactors vigorously for better quality kitchen cabinets or hinted strongly for a different style of flooring than that which had been donated. My own experience parallels these anecdotes.

Actually I don't disagree with the thoughts here written in the article -- there are such types of people and the lack of a work ethic is a problem. And you have to give him credit for taking part on this kind of work. However you can tell from his "Kennedy and scotch" and "Left Coast Secularists" digs that this particular author is a member of the "religious right." He probably thinks he's on the side of righteousness, the type of person that somehow felt he was doing the right thing when he voted for Bush -- twice.That alone would put him in a pit in hell that he needs to dig himself out of. So I suggest he keep building those houses.

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